Start an organization
How To Start A New Organization (or re-start an organization that previously existed at ECU)
The deadline for registering a new organization is October 15 for the fall semester and March 15 for the spring semester each year. After these dates, we will still accept new registrations, but groups will need to complete a full semester as a provisional organization and will complete the process the following semester.
Visit The Pirate Experience website to register your new group. You will need to log into the site, click on the “Groups” button at the top of the page, then the blue “All Groups” button. From there you can choose to register a new student organization.
Note: If you are starting a new student organization in Club Sports, the School of Dental Medicine, or the Brody School of Medicine you will still use this form and process. Once you are approved as a new organization your group will be moved to those offices.
Steps to follow:
– Complete the registration form at the link above. As part of this step you will need to submit your constitution and member list. Use our Student Organization Constitution Template as a starting point. Please be sure to include the required sections in the template. Your organization must have five members, including three officers, to register.
– Meet with a member of the Student Organization Center staff. Once you complete the registration form at the link above, we will reach out to you with links to schedule a meeting. At this meeting, which could be virtual or in person, we will discuss your organization’s mission and feasibility and help you identify resources.
– Attend 3 developmental workshops provided by our office. One of these will be a topic specifically chosen for your organization and presented to your members by a member of our staff. You will discuss these workshops in your meeting with our staff.
– All new organizations will be classified as a “Provisional Student Organization” for one full semester. During this time you will be able to reserve space (after training with the Central Reservations Office and getting access to the 25Live space reservation system), hold meetings, and recruit members.
If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Hank Bowen ( or Daniel McFadden (